We have some Brutality updates for ya, friends. First, meet Dirk Dunkirk, our first new expansion character. He’s a siegemaster that commands a mighty cross bow battering ram, and he knows a few good knock-knock jokes. He can bash enemies, fire bolts into em, and lay traps. You’ll find out more about Dirk in the coming weeks, but holy hell is this guy fun to play.
PAX East 2020 was a ton of fun. As usual, we played a ton of games and witnessed some savage plays. Friends destroying one another. Devastating counter plays. Mind controlling buddies into impaling attacks. Burying people and then setting them ablaze with Hellfire. It all brought a tear to my eye.
We’ll also be at Gen Con again this year. If you’re going, stop by and play a game of Brutality with us! Maybe, if you’re lucky, you can playtest a new PVE raid boss mode currently in development.
Until then, keep up the Brutality.
- The Game Devastation Crew