Gen Con and PAX West

We had a great time at Gen Con playing Brutality with everyone! We saw some some great combos, savage defeats, and near death victories. We didn’t eat lunch or go to the bathroom throughout each day. This is mostly because we are immortal, but also we were so busy demoing games we didn’t have time. Our next show will be at PAX West, so if you’ll be in Seattle, stop by the Table Titans booth and get into a medieval death match with us. <3


Kickstarter Backers Getting Their Boxes And Where To Buy Brutality

Our Kickstarter Backers have been receiving their Brutality boxes, and we’re loving the hype. Check out the pics from a few backers below!

If you missed the Kickstarter, and you want to pick up your box of Brutality, check out this link to get a sweet Release Week deal… but act fast because we have a limited supply of expansion figures and they are already going fast.

Painted by Dustin Taub!

Painted by Dustin Taub!

Manufacturing Updates

Hail, fiends. We’ve been busy working with our manufacturer to get the game mass produced! They’ve been making some good headway. Check out a few of the images below! We’ll still need to get them cut up, packed, and wrapped, but it’s getting there. We were also sent a few figure examples from the molds and they are looking solid.

The instruction manuals.

The instruction manuals.

Card fronts for the artifact and relic cards.

Card fronts for the artifact and relic cards.

Card Backs for the Artifact and Relic cards. (You can tell the difference because the Artifact Cards have a skull cool-down counter.)

Card Backs for the Artifact and Relic cards. (You can tell the difference because the Artifact Cards have a skull cool-down counter.)

The Executioner. Stoic. Religiously bound to the law.

The Executioner. Stoic. Religiously bound to the law.

The Demon King. Conqueror and Commander. Bringer of death.

The Demon King. Conqueror and Commander. Bringer of death.

In case you were wondering how big the figures are, they are this big.

In case you were wondering how big the figures are, they are this big.


The Brutality Kickstarter campaign ended yesterday. 107,106 dollars, 1,271 backers collected in 30 days.&nbsp;We smashed through 9 stretch goals and unlocked all the Hero figures. Hell. Yes.Thanks to all our supporters for believing in the game. Nex…

The Brutality Kickstarter campaign ended yesterday. 107,106 dollars, 1,271 backers collected in 30 days. We smashed through 9 stretch goals and unlocked all the Hero figures. Hell. Yes.

Thanks to all our supporters for believing in the game. Next step, getting a bunch of awesome 3D art done to make these figures. We'll be updating our backers on the Kickstarter page, and providing updates here as well.